Purple & Gold School Colors...Spirit Week Day 4
Today was purple & gold day...CCS School colors. Greyson had a great day at school. He has been cracking Michele and I up lately with his antics. He is too funny. He sang all the way to school this am..just tunes from the movie "Surf's Up". He really can keep a tune once he hears it, unlike me, I struggle and should never sing unless I want to offend most everyone in ear shot of my lovely voice. But I digress...Greyson has a great voice and can carry a tune. I think he will do well in music if he will apply himself to something like that. Currently he is obsessed with winning the Cars racing game so he can buy the chick hicks car. Why I don't know....he jumps around with his obsessions so you never know what may be next. Normally it has something to do with a Disney movie or one similar. :) We will be going to bed soon...so...until tomorrow...Goodnight. I know it was short and sweet....but my brain is not cooperating...I promise more fun stories later.
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