Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fun Saturday with brutha' from anutha' mutha' :)

Greyson had a great day yesterday, (Saturday, Sept. 27th). He hung out with Michele and I most of the morning...mostly playing games with momom. I had a wedding I was going to so I called Campbell's mom, Pam to see if they would meet Michele and Greyson at Monkey Joe's for a play date. They met over there around 2:30 to play and had a great time from what I hear. Greyson really misses Campbell. You see for those of you who do not know, Greyson left Countryside school to go to a new school this year. Campbell still goes to Greyson's old school and he and Greyson are very close. "Hooked at the hip" as some describe it. I am thankful that he got to see his buddy yesterday. It will do him good. He is doing well at his new school and really loves his teachers there. They love him as well which has made a huge difference for him. They see him as Michele and I have all along and that is wonderful. He also has made alot of friends there and at his old school he struggled greatly. He immediately had become a nuisance to most all of his classmates and there was nothing happening to help reverse that. I think the final weeks of the year there we were able to get some understanding from a few other parents and their children thanks to Susan. She is a wonderful parent of one of Greyson best girl friends there and a great friend. She wrote a letter to all of the parents explaining Greyson's diagnosis and what his challenges had been all year. I agreed to let her do that because I felt strongly that it was only right that the parents/kids know and at least try to understand what Greyson & our family was dealing with. He deserved that. He never was misbehaving maliciously, he just did not have the skill sets that most kids have instinctly to handle certain situations. If nothing else comes of that, My hopes are that those parents think twice before they quickly judge any child's actions. I hope they remember that the Montessori school prides itself on working with the individual child, not allowing any child to be singled out, and teaching the children how to work together building a sense of community and helping each other in all situations. Hopefully they will always do just that.
Autism is diagnosed in 1 out of every 150 children and could easily happen to any of them or their family members. The hardest part of Aspergers is they just look like they are being bad. They are smart and vocal and seem to have nothing wrong with them. Unfortunately, nothing could be farther from the truth and they need our help. Remember..."It takes a village" Thanks for being part of our village Susan. :) Things couldn't be better for Greyson right now! As is always true...All things happen for a reason. Getting Greyson a diagnosis and meeting you & your family must be the reasons we ended up there last year.

Now...back to the fun...Greyson had a great Saturday. I enjoyed my buddies son's wedding. and today...hopefully...we will just relax, watch some football, and be lazy. Tomorrow is another day. thanks for visiting us. Enjoy your Sunday....we will! Remember for those of you who want to join us....Team walkin'4greyson is going to be at Lowe's Motor Speedway for the big Walk for Autism next Saturday, October 4th at 8:30am....Walk starts at 10am....Come join us! We have t shirts for the first folks that come for the fun. It's gonna be soooo much fun!

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