Going to the Cabarrus County Fair
wew....hew...today Michele, Greyson and I went to the Cabbarrus County Fair for some fun, rides, and greasy food. Not to mention it is a great place to possibly spot one of Americas Most Wanted. I watched last night....just in case I might spot one of the fugitives. Those rewards would really come in handy right about now! haha... Anyway, in all seriousness, we went there to have a great time riding the rides and eating all that healthy food they have to offer. Got to keep up our girlish figures you know. Greyson had a great time riding the caterpillar roller coaster, and some other thing that spun him around. He rode both of them twice. Michele and I watched and she got yelled at by a "carni" with that wonderful smoker's/heavy drinker's voice and an eye that looked off into never never land for sitting/leaning on his booth of stuffed animals. "Don't seat thar yuh gonna bend thuh bars." Greyson then wanted to ride that really loud Himalayan ride that goes round and round really fast. Not mine or Michele's cup of tea...so we recruited some nice little girl in line to ride with him saving one of us a barfing episode in public. :) Thank goodness for Isabell! Funny thing though...we are watching him spin, hold his ears, and look totally over it due to the ride being louder than a jet at takeoff when we noticed that his pal Emma was there riding. Had we been a few moments earlier he could have shared a spot with her. We chatted with Emma's mom and then went our separate ways. We took him over to see the livestock and he was totally over that poop smell as he calls it. He was worried to death he may step in some. we found a less smelly area with baby ducks and watched them slide down this ramp with water dribbling on it. He loved those little ducks and we almost never got him away from them. We ate the gourmet "carni" food at a cost that would have gotten us a meal at Chris's Ruth Steak House....but I'm not bitter and do not want to give that impression. WE all three rode the Farris wheel after that, which I am terrified of, so...I just don't look and act like I love it for Greyson's sake. Otherwise he would panic. Riding on any "carni" ride doesn't thrill me in anyway since they probably throw that stuff together half drunk and I am sure there are very few safety checks. not my cup o' tea I tell you. But it is important to go after the Saturday night airing of AMW...it's similar to playing the lottery but your chances are much better of finding one of those loser's and getting some reward money! Well friends....have fun at the fair if you go! We did!
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