Today stated with a patience helmet fell off this am when Greyson was working me about leaving the house. So....I said, "I'm done...Goodbye!" ...and I got in my car and drove off. Well mainly I did this because I needed a time out...for myself. Had I not done it I would have blown a head gasket! I felt crappy when I got back though because you should have seen his face...he was ready to go to school for sure then...Go figure. He looked really worried so I explained on the way to school why I drove around the block. I told him I needed to take a mommy timeout so I wouldn't get angry with him for not coming to leave when I asked (more than once). I told him I did not want to yell at him and we talked about what we could do different in the am to help get out the door on time without saying it 100 times. We already give him times and remind him due to this issue of him needing a strict schedule but that doesn't always work. Mostly due to our failing to communicate in ways he gets...not so much a fault of his. So....I asked his opinion this am about what would help him get out the door and go when we ask. We decided on trying a BIG hug for leaving time as well as continuing the time warnings. That way he can get what he needs or wants to take along for the ride in and the BIG hug will get him up and to the door, as well as help him feel the love. It will hopefully diminish the hurrying and tense atmosphere, that as parents, we all tend to create in the am. We shall see how that works....and hopefully on Monday I will remember that! I am getting much older you know! Anyway...his school day went well...I hung out again after lunch and I sooooo enjoy it more and more each time I go. Watch out Suzy...I may be there underfoot all next year! You may never rid yourself of Kathy and me. hahahahaaaa Back to G man though...I got to see him in action today with Ms Susan too. They played hangman together and that was cool. I watched while sitting with Kathy and some of the other boys playing boggle. I also helped Greyson and some others during writers workshop. It's really fun to help them and challenging to keep some of them on track. Needless to say I have had plenty of experience already with that. :) I wouldn't trade it for nothing though...even if I do feel like pulling out most of my hair some days. Those days don't over ride the good ones so it's all good. He got a new LEGO Star Wars today because I promised him one before I left for my seminar. We put it together and now he is playing Star Wars LEGO to beat the band. I am packing and getting my things together for the trip. I am taking my guitar so I can try to keep my mind off being away for so long. Like that's gonna help! hahahaaa Oh well....You guys keep an eye out for my girl and sweet boy "G man". I am sure they'll be living it up for 3 days. Hopefully he will be fine and won't freak. We shall see. Goodnight everyone...until tomorrow late.
How precious! I love you. Of course we will watch out for you family while you are at the cult meeting. And we will get your slack!
Your so right....Suzy will never rid herself of us now! Have a great worries. Your wonderful family will be fine...but surly miss you.
I want everyone to know that I was there when she left. Grey was not by himself.
hahahahaaa sorry guys....I didn't even think about that. i would NEVER leave him home alone without Shel being there...Mommy timeout needed or not. Oops! :)
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