Last night was not fun I tell you. For those of you who don't already know we are co-sleeping right now. Greyson has a hard time but starting this week I am going to really work on helping him get into his own bed and sleeping space. The summer will work well for that. if I look exhausted when you see me this could be a reason. hahahaha So, that being said, about 3:20am last night he woke up flipping and flopping and fighting spiders. he was scared to death which usually results in the TV having to be turned on until he can go back to sleep. Unfortunately for Michele and I last night he never feel back to sleep. He fought it due to his fear of returning to the spider dream. For those of you close to him you know this fear is real for him and we have so far not made much headway with concurring it. He does like reading a book at school now that has spiders but only on occasion and it can still trigger the dreams. I think a spider on the composter at school got him this time. Who knows....they are everywhere. Even some in our garden of course. So...sleep last night was minimal but Michele did migrate to the sofa hoping to catch a few winks. I stayed with him since both of us would NEVER be able to leave at the same time...TV or not. He would freak out for sure. I think I need to start just getting him to sleep and getting back up to do things. I just have to make sure it is not a the same time as Michele or he will be having a panic attack and screaming for us at some point. My goal for him this summer is big. Some dietary changes towards GF/CF diet, (we shall see how it goes), and sleeping in his own bed. These are huge in our world and his and it is going to be challenging. Keep your fingers crossed. I am buckling up for safety! This kids is now 94 lbs. and sleeping with him even in a king size bed is NO fun. We both, (Michele and I), take a pure WWF beat down each and every night. I am ready to have our space back. summer approaches I will prepare for battle. hahahaha
This summer we fully intend to get with some of his friends from school, and a couple from his old school, to do some really fun things. I would love to get some kids and parents together for a trip to the zoo, Latta Plantation, the Raptor Center, Nature Museum, the Parks here, etc... He isn't going to camp except for a week in July for Karate so I have to full fill all the fun with my own stuff. We want to do alot of swimming too. He has gotten much better at that due to lessons so I want to really ramp that up as well. I need to find a pool we can frequent, maybe the YMCA, we shall see. He has come such a long way and I definitely want to continue our momentum concerning his self esteem and confidence. His teacher, along with the therapists, brought him out from a very bad place within himself and into a much better space. He definitely is quite extraordinary and you have to know his quirks to get through to him. She did an awesome job of that and all I can say is Whooooo Hooooooo. I will so miss her next year but I am hoping to have another awesome teacher for him in 3rd grade. We love us some Suzy though and I will continue to support her efforts as well as his new teacher. Yay CCS!