Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rhino Man...appears out of the bathroom!

I have no idea where he got the idea....but Greyson just ran in here with the towel his grandma made on his head claiming to be "Rhino Man". "No one can defeat Rhino Man!", he exclaimed. Ok dude...whatever....personally I was horrified because the towel is white with a little hood thing so he looked like the damn grand dragon or something. Obviously I would never condone such a look but it was funny none the less...especially with the added commentary that he was..."Rhino Man". I have NO clue what was going on in his head...but that is pretty much how I feel 90% of the time. You go Rhino Man!
He seemed to have a good day at school...although he did show up with some pictures that he cut out & pasted to construction paper. Having a neurotic moment, I was a little uneasy at some of the pictures that he had chosen to cut out. A grouping of several small planes crashed and upside down...I assume from a tornado or something that hit a small airport...several shots of dogs (and one USMC devil dog tattoo)...a gun in someones hand?....a golden key....a volcano...a Jeep submerged in water...and a teddy bear? What's the thought process...then again...he is mini me so there is never rhyme or reason to anything... I was asking him, "what is this?" and "why did you put it on here?"....while Michele tells me...quit analyzing it! hahahahaaaaaa I guess I get a little carried away at times. Seriously though...I can't have him going all Anakin Skywalker on me and changing over to the dark side! :) (In case you do not know me well enough...that was my lame attempt to be funny since he LOVES Star Wars!) Anyway...things are going well and I have a plea in to Mr Mike to help us with the "I'm a bad boy" stuff....His OT is also constantly working each week on his body awareness and managing his surroundings better. Hopefully in time things will start to improve. He has made improvements already in many areas but still needs quite a bit of work in others. That's ok....this is a lesson in patience for me and Michele and I think we are coming along rather well too. Stop that laughing grandma! You too dad! (Just so you know...neither of them is still here in the earthly sense.) Well...he is playing Star Wars Lego on the wii and in a few we guessed it, watch Bee movie! Quiz me next time you see me....I bet I could answer just about anything about that damn movie now! Not to brag....if you are jealous I would be glad to loan it out...but you have to have it back before bedtime! (and the late fees are atrocious!!!!) hahaha Goodnight & hugs...and all that mushy stuff. last thing before I sign off...I just heard my son scream while playing Star Wars LEGO....oh watch out...don't go that way...oh look out...Oh What the hell!? I screamed, "Son...we don't say that!..(Ok...I lied...We do...I just don't want him repeating it!) Anyway...he says, "I'm sorry, I'm Sorry...I didn't mean it! (Sigh).....Lord we have to watch what we are saying....I mean seriously...What the hell? :0


Anonymous said...

What do you mean I have to watch what I say. What the HELL. :)

Unknown said...

Ummm....why do I have a feeling that my son might be partially responible for the pictures? They sound an awful lot like what Umberto brings home!!!! That said Umberto is really amazingly nonviolent considering the stories he makes up, pictures he draws etc.

What the son is a bad influence...or a "bad entrance" as Camille used to say!

suzycm said...

Sorry about the magazine pix mom. The only mags we have are national geographic mags and they can be a little harsh! haha! Oops. see what happens when I am away? LOL!!!