Back to School after Christmas fun...
Sunday was a pretty good day. We had been priming Greyson for a few days to get ready for his back to school on Monday after being out for over 2 weeks. He did really well and got his bath before 7:30, got in bed and watched his Bee movie so he wouldn't be scared. I headed off to bed early too so he wouldn't be up all night worried. We are one big snugly happy family at night which makes most people's mouths hang open when they hear this. Oh out for flies! haha I get hits all the time from other mother's of Aspergers children who have lived the exact same thing. The sleeping with parents, rolling up in blankets like a sausage or hiding under the pillows. We aren't the only ones with these challenges obviously. :) Everyone has a story right? What's yours? Anyway...he slept great and was up and ready to see Ms Suzy and all his friends this morning. I took him to school where he screamed hello to Ms Suzy as he went through the door. he was really excited to be back, yet torn a little at me leaving him. He came back twice for hugs before I got out the door. He does that if he has had alot of mommy & momom time. I think he did fine overall. No reports otherwise. he was a little strange when I picked him up. He chose silence all the way home and would not talk. He does this every so often and I am not sure why. it scares me because I never know if he doesn't feel well or if he had his feelings hurt, or if he got in trouble and is ashamed or what. Yes...I am guilty of over thinking everything and his strange little ways fall into my insanity of analyzing sometimes. My deceased grandma is having a huge laugh at my expense I am SURE of it! She was my favorite and I know she is up there with her best friend and a glass of wine howling. One day I tell you! My dad is there too shaking his head and laughing quietly. He never talked alot but I bet he is saying, "Definitely a Griffin that boy!" (Artistic, dramatic, musical, and full of himself. A real clown...just like the rest of us.) Well...he gave me the silent treatment all the way to the house and then gladly did his homework without incident. Thank goodness for that. Tonight we start back on our reading. He is coming along great though. He is Greyson and that is all we ask of him. It is what it is and we will roll with it as is. What a guy and great gift we have been given quirks, and little eccentricities included. Good night all...OH...and one more thing....GO Buckeyes!
Our kids are just sleeping in their own bed, and I do mean bed. They have a queen that they all share, and most nights we end up with at least one in bed with us before morning:)
My mouth drops open when people's mouths drop open when then hear about co-sleeping!
Each of our girls has their own beds, but there are at least 4 of us in the family bed by morning. <3
I'm glad you had a good transition back to is Thursday, and I am just now getting into my groove.
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