Black Friday...Turkey Coma Recovery Day
Today was black Friday, the day when everyone flocks to the stores to take advantage of all of the deals...well...except for me. I would rather be tapped slowly in the head with a ping ball hammer until a small hole appears. Enough said? Anyway...Greyson and I got up...ate breakfast and then headed to the grocery store for some things we needed at our house. I would have gone to "Supa Taaaget"... "the circle store", as Greyson calls it, but see the beginning of this excerpt to understand why I hit Food Lion instead. are right....the hammer thing. So...we got our goods and then came home. Yes...I stayed home all day and did absolutely nothing. I did catch up on some reading which I love! Too bad I can't stay at home and read with benefits included. Maybe paint a little would that be the best or what? Throw in some guitar playing and I may just be put right over the edge! was good. ...and all in the world of drama turned out just fine. For instance: Our great friend called last night upset that she had left a door open and let her significant other's cat out. She was balling and sure that she would have to be moving soon if the cat was not found. I was sooo worried bu somehow I was also sure that the darn cat was still in their home somewhere hiding and terrified due to the extra guests in the home for Thanksgiving. Well....guess what. Sure enough the "kit kat" was hiding in the sleeper sofa while their whole world went to hell in a hand basket briefly due to it's disappearance! Hell...I let them borrow my...'All cats have Aspergers' book....did they not read that damn thing? Hello! all seriousness...i am very glad that they found that cat. Otherwise my friend would be sleeping on my son's bed....needless to say to most of wouldn't matter since he does not currently occupy the spot. He is still very scared of the dark, among other things, and also needs to be wrapped in tons of covers and slammed in between us each night. Do we like it? NO....Have we been able to correct it and have him sleep alone yet? NO....Are we working on building his skills so he will sleep on his own and get out of our bed? YES! It cannot happen fast enough for us let me tell you. We love him but lord! I took a head to the lips the other night before Thanksgiving and just knew I was gonna have some fat lips for the big holiday. Fortunately...I must have been just far enough away to prevent any swelling...I got away with only the pain of the moment thank goodness! How sexy would I have been looking like Angelina Jolee' for a day....Well...we are winding down for the night. Greyson is watching some mind altering cartoons while I type away. He is ruined for life by TV and I will take full responsibility for it. I am also addicted. HBO will be here next month for an intervention. Neither of us will leave without a fight though. :) Good night fans....we love you all dearly!
1 comment:
Just for the record, I was not balling!!!!!! If you knew the history of the missing cat you would understand. Lucky for me the cat was found. I do not think Greyson would like me sleeping in his room. Besides, the bed is not big enough for me:):)
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