Friday, October 31, 2008

Rehersal Day for the Wedding

Today we had a bridesmaid luncheon scheduled at a cafe' here in Raleigh. My sister when we got to her home was obviously out of sorts. I could tell last night she wasn't quite right but this morning it was really obvious. Mom got worried Cham was not wanting her around so I reminded her that Cham had alot going on with the wedding and all of the guests she has staying at their house. I told her that this is Cham's time and it's all about her. She is just stressed with things getting closer to the actual wedding and all. Cham just doesn't have the time or the patience to be trying to make sure mom is fine right now. I told mom Cham has to be worried about herself and the wedding right now and not to take anything personally. Hopefully all will be well through tomorrow...i think the whole wedding stuff is just too much drama. Hell....get married at the JoP, save all the money, and later throw a big party/reception for friends and family. Drama...not so much my thing but whatever....
We came back to the Hotel and rested and later headed out to meet Joy....the Nazi wedding planner. She found no humor in me or Cham's buddies that are bridesmaids...we actually have a sense of humor. Joy does not. I actually called her Hoy a couple of times sense she has been mispronouncing my sister's name since she met her. I finally explained how Cham should be pronounced to her and the pastor so I think they get it now...I don't know. When we got done practicing we headed towards the restaurant for dinner. Paula, Karen, Tiffany and I had wigs on for Halloween...the rest of the party kinda stared at us but it was all in Halloween fun...Cham loved it. I stood out since I had a rainbow Afro wig...the other girls were the ladies of darkness...they all had black wigs. We had fun and laughed most of the night. It was fun but my sister is in full zombie mode given she had been up since 6am doing alot of stuff and tending to her guests. She is now in moms hotel room spending the night. I had I promised to hang out with them but she wanted to go right to bed so I am in here blogging away.
Greyson and Michele went trick or treating tonight. It was up in the air for a while but they went and had a good time. Greyson was tired so they will be up tomorrow for the wedding. I think he did fine and he dressed up like Peter Pan. He claimed to have gotten lots of candy which he does not need. Hopefully momom will help him eat most of it. :)
I guess I should try to get some sleep as well...Good night all. By the way...I have more stories...not to be aired here. When you see me, they will come. :)

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