The Day After...
Well our cat Carly passed yesterday and Greyson was pretty upset. My sweet boy has turned into "blue bear". Unfortunately he does not talk about it or want to talk about it which always worries me. Why? Because I am the one who never shuts up...I have no problem discussing my feelings but Greyson on the other hand, will always have a hard time with it. Mainly because with Aspergers that is one of the things they do not relate to. Feelings, emotions, relating to others....therefore he basically said, "He just didn't want to talk about Carly's death." That doesn't negate his sadness is there. It is painfully there. I worry because I don't want him to continue holding these things in since it may not be very beneficial in the long run. Hopefully Mr Mike can help him work through it. today we went to OT and Greyson had a great day there. He worked on alot of different things including tying his shoes, eating and trying new foods, upper body work, swinging, trampoline work...etc.... After that we headed to his favorite thing...swimming lessons. He did well there too. I cannot get enough of watching him float. I don;t even know how to explain it to you all except that I see it in him. He truly has peace when he is floating and/or under water. He loves it you can tell. I could watch that for hours...just seeing him at peace makes my heart smile. It is like all the things that go on in the world are just too much for him. Sensory overload to the extreme and he does not have any defences against it. When he can tune it out his whole world becomes at peace and he is calm at last. I so love that....I would give him that every day all day if I could. Until them.... I will give him swimming....over and over again if I have to. Peace sweet boy...I love you being at peace. Not for me...I love it for you. Your peace is my peace. We love you sweet's time for bed now. Good night and sweet dreams.
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