First Day at New School (2nd grade)
Well...the first day has come and gone and all of us are fine. Michele and I dropped him off this am and he was so clingy to me. It was sad but we did what we had to do and left. I got a call from the EC teacher around 10:30 or so saying she had checked on him and that he was doing fine. I picked him up around 3pm and he was really excited. He said he had a good day and that he liked his new school and his teacher. He says he likes it better than his old school even. He has a new friend named Clinton and he drew a picture of Alvin & the Chipmunks to share with his class. I think he is going to really blossom there and I can't wait to see that happen day by day. His strengths are all that is important and we will work on his challenges little by little. I knew there would be a place and someone who would be able to tap into his potential and I think we have found that place. With each new day we will see. The focus at his school is on the arts and that is right where Greyson needs to be. As time goes on I think I will calm down but I have been quite anxious since last year wasn't exactly what I had expected and seemed to turn into somewhat of a nightmare for us. I don't mean to be so neurotic but I think I am just having alot of left over anxiety with things being new and having flash backs of the old. I just do not want to relive any of that...ever again if I can help it. Michele just goes with the flow...I have to have my moment of craziness then I will settle out. Step away from the crazy woman....back off people, I haven't pulled out that much of my hair! :)
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