Mr Mike...Karate....and it's only Tuesday! :)
It's Tuesday and things at our house are good. Greyson is still doing well and I am proud to report it. I admit though...not without knocking on wood. hahahaaaaaa I picked him up today and we headed off to see Mr Mike his therapist. He gets a little frisky when he sees him and tests me at times while we are there but overall he does well. Momom headed off to the grocery store while we were gone so she had dinner when we got here. That was so very sweet of her. Especially since she would rather take a beating than go to the grocery store. What a great momom & partner! After dinner I got Greyson's Karate outfit on and they headed off to class. He has been doing his sit ups and push ups like a trooper lately, but not without letting us know he hates them! I remind him that every child there hates them and he is not alone. He sucks it up though and plugs on to build those 2nd grade muscles! :) I think he has grown taller lately too. He seems to be thinning out some. (Not that he has ever been fat...but he had that baby tummy role going on) We have run and played more lately and had tons of fun doing it. Momom and I just run, laugh and gasp for air in the yard while we all play ball tag. We are desperately out of shape and in need of medical attention each time we play. 1 Adam 12....1 Adam 12....see the ladies.....approx 46 years of age....flailing around in the yard needing oxygen. hahahahaaa Stop laughing thing you know I'll have a Hover Round or Rascal scooter chasing your asses! Maybe a walker with the tennis balls on the ends hanging out at, none other than,....."K&W Cafeteria"! Michele's cafe' of choice! and Greyson's..... well....."Hair nets I tell you....nothing but hair nets and old people!" You know the story...if not....go back a few months in our blog's there..the complete saga. :) Well...I shall close for the night. Sweet dreams to all of our friends and extended family. You guys are what keeps me smiling! so.... :)
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