Here it is...Wednesday and I have been MIA. Here lately we have been busy so I haven't been keeping up as I should with my bloggin'. So once again...I will cover several days in a nutshell. Greyson's uncle Rich left on Monday and he was so sad. he loves his uncle Rich and has already asked when he will return. He can't get enough of the man time. We did Karate on Monday and Tuesday this week. He is ready for his belt test on Friday and will be advancing to Purple belt...hooray. He still struggles some with coordination but then again...that is part of the reason we are there time my time. I am so proud of all he has accomplished and overcome just this year. Once again I will give shout out to his phenomenal teacher, Ms Suzy :), his Karate masters Hartsell and Randolph, his therapist, Mr Mike, and his OT, Ms Karissa...and I shall not forget, Ms Susan (EC) and his speech therapist, Ms Eileen at the school. Love you all tons! Especially Suzy as she already knows. I am amazed constantly by his progress just this year and very proud too. I try not to worry where he is and where he needs to be because I know...he will get there in his own time. He is doing well though...and I am thankful. Today I spoke with the OT about his handwriting. She said it is common for him to be having issues with upper and lower case since his fine motor skills are still lacking. She is going to work on some of that with him and mentioned we can get some special paper to help keep him on the line if need be. i also told her about his trouble with his math getting the tens and ones places mixed up. I am going to try using boxes as a visual to help him place them until he becomes more used to where they should go and how to write them out. I will label each box H, T and O for hundreds, tens, and ones....When he has a problem that says you have 8 tens and 5 ones he notoriously writes it as 58...instead of 85. So she agreed that the boxes will help give him visual cues. We will work some at home on it. Anyway...we have been doing great lately. I have been trying to incorporate the 30 minute rule for him after school. Since he doesn't like to talk I try not to ask much when I pick him up. I wait at least 30 mins. before asking how his day was or anything like that. Giving him time to decompress if you will. It kills me though...i like to hear what's happening and how his day was. Then again...what's 30 minutes anyway? to me...that much silence can be deafening!...So you know....Greyson is also teaching me the value of silence. It speaks volumes and being able to appreciate the quiet and hear yourself is a true gift. Thanks for teaching me Greyson. You have much more to teach me than I have to teach you I'm afraid. :) we had tadpoles swimming all around in the tank in Suzy's class. It was the buzz of the school and soon there will be many a frog to be let loose. hahahaaaaa The kids were loving it. Greyson had a great day and I went back a little early visit Suzy and Kathy. i did not get back as soon as I would have liked but I did get back...only to find out Greyson had placed some mulch in Garrison's ear. it went far enough down to require a tweezer removal...Do ya' hear my words! What the hell was he thinking?...Oh wait...that was the missing part of the whole event...thinking...Everyone was fine and as usual Greyson was totally traumatized once he realized he had done something really bad. I seriously think he just doesn't get it sometimes. it may be our fault in that...he NEVER, as a child, was curious touching things he shouldn't or putting things in his mouth, nose, ears...or where ever....he did not do those things that most kids do that help them learn about that stuff. We were so proud that he seemed so easy in that respect...well...just like his comes back to haunt you because they have to learn it at some point. today's lesson was...DO NOT put things in your ears, nose, mouth etc....where they do not belong...or anyone else's for that matter. It is dangerous and could end up in a trip to the ER. Just ask my friend who's son thought it a good idea to place a pencil eraser up his nose...far enough to require removal by the ER personnel. Maybe we needed more of that at our house when he was little...I don't know. It's funny, I just talked to Mr Mike yesterday about how living with a boy like Greyson is like being in the movie groundhog day. You wake up and think it's the same day again....but everything could be different. things are the same...yet different each day. Talk about fun to be had! hahahaaaa One day every noise hurts his ears...the next day it's all day the clothes have to be changed because they make him he says "normal"...the next day those clothes are fine....Mike says that is common for sensory kids as well. We talked and figure the mood, environment, etc must be the cause of different reactions on different days. Maybe a combination of one knows. n It does make for an interesting time in the world according to Greyson. Buckle King Julian says in Madagascar 2, "Raise your hands Maurice! It's more funner when you raise your hands like this!" God I love that...almost as much as I love Greyson Griffin-Roberts! <3
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