Outdoor Fun & Cookout
Today Greyson Michele and I went to the YMCA outdoor water park to play and practice Greyson's swimming. he had a great time and did really well in the water. He getting more and more confident in his own abilities and even went underwater while I counted for him. That was huge even if he did hold his nose. he can swim a pretty good way on his own without touching but he still needs to strengthen his muscles. That will come along with more practice but overall he has improved by leaps and bounds. As always he is on Greyson time. he has always done things when he is ready and never sooner...ever! you can try to encourage, excite, cheer...whatever method you chose and he will not be effected until he is good and ready to accomplish whatever task is at hand. Swimming is finally here for him and he couldn't be more excited. Well...so are we. after swimming and a great picnic lunch we headed home to get ready for Steph & Shawn's baby shower cookout. We all had a good time visiting with friends, eating Mr Jimmy's wonderful grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, and finally sharing some gifts with the new little baby boy that should be here sometime in mid August. Greyson played hard with a new friend Nathan and was so worn out. we stayed late and it started to show in Greyson's behavior towards the end of the night. He was very clingy to me, had a few small tantrums about us playing with him and soon was ready to go home. He was a rag doll in the car and crashed as soon as his head hit the pillow. Sweet dreams big man....
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