Cruising the Greenway & Peeing on the Bees...
We took Greyson on the Greenway again yesterday to ride bikes and we had a blast. Poor Michele is my hero for pulling him on his new half bike behind hers. I tried it for a short distance and thought I was going to kill us both. It was quite amusing and if I had video I would be glad to share. Unfortunately for you guys...there is no such video. We stopped by Lynn & Diane's to grab them up for the ride. Diane came along but they had plans and she left us in time to go home and clean up for the fun. Greyson loves riding behind momom and gives her a real run for her money leaning left and right to look at everything they pass. It is a great show when riding behind them. :) We stopped at one point to rest and let Greyson relieve himself...but he chose a nest of yellow jackets to go near. He thought it was funny to see them flying out but we grabbed him up and took off. Thank goodness none of them got him or he would have been terrified and ruined from riding from then on probably. After the ride we went to lunch at Jason's Deli for salads. Greyson brought along his Mickey D's and we enjoyed our break. The rest of the day we spent relaxing and playing in his little pool out front. It was a wonderful day and soon we were eating dinner, watching a little TV, playing Legos and then it was off to bed. Goodnight big man...
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