Getting our Christmas Tree...& Back to School Monday
Well...we headed out on Sunday once grandma got here to go and get our tree. We go each year to Cedar Lake Tree Farm in Iron Station. It's great and the prices are fairly good. We get to see all of the farm animals, play on the big ol' hay bale mountain that they put out for the kids, pick out the tree and wreath, and then head back home. Once we got back Greyson and grandma Griffin made cookies together and he helped momom and I decorate the tree. Grandma pitched in on that too. we had a great time and before long everyone was ready to crash and burn. Greyson's allergies were in full swing thanks to the hay I think. He was a little out of sorts and not feeling too well but hung in there. I pumped some Bendryl in him to combat the itchy throat and runny nose. After grandma left momom passed out on the sofa and I just hung out with Greyson. At 8:30 we headed off to bed and got ready guessed it....MONDAY! We got up and got Greyson ready for school. Momom took him and I headed of to the store for groceries. I came home and was going to paint but I decided to be lazy. I made dinner and waited to pick big man up from school. When I picked him up he wanted me to tell all of you about his class winning the first "stick of honor" at lunch for being good and cleaning up after themselves. He was very proud! He always gives me a blog story of the day..unless of course I have targeted something he has done that cracks me up. That happens alot too. His EC teacher told me today that he is quite the dancer at school when she plays a tune from Shrek for him. At home he dances alot...Michele seems to think I have had some influence on this...I on the other hand do not take any responsibility for these actions. :) Well...maybe a little. haha Well we are headed to another end of the day and getting ready for our Tuesday of school and Karate. I will be back tomorrow evening with more stories from a day in the life... Love & hugs to you all...Goodnight.
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