Call an Ambulance!
Very funny thing today...well kinda anyway. Greyson was holding the kitten bringing him to me and not watching where he was going. He ran right into the corner of the table and threw the cat at me. I said, "Why did you throw him son?" He exclaimed, "I wasn't walking where I was going and it hit me in the nuts!" Then he fell to the floor holding "them" while telling me in a squealy voice, "Call an ambulance!" hahahahahaaaaaaa Oh my God! I nearly peed my pants. He continues to kill me with his special language, "Greysonese". Last night he exclaimed he would be back later, he was going to the "Left door neighbor's" house. Sometimes he talks about our "right door neighbor's" too. I guess the others are across the street neighbors...diagonal neighbors, etc...etc...We love you boy! I speaka da language, your special language! And, I am fluent in it I will proudly say...More later...but for now, it's off to run errands and pick up his friend Umberto for a play date! yay!
HA! I love my left door neighbor. Not so much my right door neighbor. But my across the street neighbor rocks! Oh, but do you face the street when you define, or face the house? I am sure there is a firm rule here, and need to know so that I don't err in disliking the wrong neighbor.
Had a GREAT therapy appt for Meg today. Lord, I am grateful for that woman!
hahahaaaa!! priceless.
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