3rd Grade at CCS - Week 2
We are well into our second week at CCS. I went with Greyson's class on Tuesday to Imaginon. Unfortunately he was having a bit of a day that day and I briefly turned into "crazy mom". I laugh with my good friend Susan about this alot. when you are dealing with challenges in children, even when you know what they are, you still have moments of, "Damn it...why are you doing this?...Acting like this?....blah blah blah...That's normally when after a bit and him getting even more out of sorts I go, "Who do I really want to be in this moment?" Then Hopefully I snap the freak out of my ridiculous self involved ego driven rant that is happening in my head. the one that is saying, You aren't a good mom. You let him watch TV too much and if you had done this...this...or this...he wouldn't be doing "this" right now. WHateVer! It's maddening but at least I know it is my problem...not his! He is fine. He does things at Greyson's pace. Always has, always will. He hides his many talents and/or knowledge of things from most everyone until he is darn ready to allow you to see it. That in itself makes me nearly insane. Well...more so than the norm. Finally after intense negotiations that would rival any hostage situation I got him to allow me to read a book about a mother cow to him. ("Udderly" ridiculous huh?) hahahahaaaa Which reminds me...On a side note: This year for Halloween...I am gonna be "Mudder" and Michele is going to be "Udder Mudder" Maybe dressed as cows...I don't know...) Stupid huh? When I was pregnant I was a pumpkin...and she was Peter Peter! But I digress as usual...back to Imaginon...Greyson let me read the story, I finished helping get the kids together, helped get books out to G's car along with Kylie, and we were off to the bus stop so they could carry us back to school. Yes...our class rides the city bus to and from Imaginon. This whole thing never ceases to amaze me along with making me "crazy mom" when I am there helping. The kids are so laaaateeedaaaaah and I am following behind thinking of all the things I need to prevent form occurring. hahahahaaaaa I am sure with each thing I ask of them, "Stay in line... catch up to the class guys...we need to walk a little faster to get across before the light changes...etc...etc....they are all rolling their littel eyes thinking...She worries wwaaaaaaaaay to much! Well now you know...That's what "crazy moms" do. The extremely "crazy" ones will yell alot on top of it all and make those crazy, I can see the whites of your eyes all the way around faces! For now I try to avoid that much crazy. Today Greyson had a good day from what he told me. He missed his buddy Umberto though. Tomorrow we start a new OT schedule and go there at 8am until 9am. After that it is back to school. I hope this schedule works but we shall see. If not I will lobby for a spot in the afternoon after school again. I try to keep his school interruptions at a minimum if possible but he sooooo needs this therapy. They work on so many different areas with him and I believe it has been helpful so we will continue as long as we can afford it. For now...it's off to relax before the night time reading battle. Last night he did fine and I hope we can continue in that fashion. Good night friends.
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