I can't sleep tonight so I thought what better than to update the blog I have been ignoring for sometime. I really want to get back to keeping this on a regular basis but I have been allowing myself to be so scattered which translates into seemingly no time for anything. Well, Here I am. and to star the year off with a bang, I have decided to offer up one of Greyson's stories. Since he was very young he seemed to have a very sensitive nose, extremely sensitive and acute hearing and taste buds that were off the map. Michele and I, before his diagnosis, never understood it much and used to laugh about it. When we would relay stories of things that would happen, most people, family and/or friends just stared like we had three heads. I have to admit some of it sounds far fetched and ridiculous. But we were living it and knew he wasn't just putting on. For instance, when would would be outside in the yard in the summer he would occasionally run in screaming, "I can't stay out here! The bees! The bees!" It never failed after he was safely inside she and I would eventually see a bee or two buzzing around. He could hear them. But to him it was loud. Weird huh? I can touch something and it make very little to no noise and he will scream, "Stop! Don't do that! It hurts my ears and makes my skin feel funny." He would have to be moved at lunch at his old school when kids had cereals because of the smell. He always knows when Michele has eaten cereal too and will not let her near him or kiss him until she brushes her teeth. Hahahahaaaaa. Medicines have always been a challenge and just when I thought I could trick him with something he needed in his food or juice he would call me out every time. At times like that it is a nightmare. Those taste buds are ultra sensitive and he will vomit on you in a New York minute if you try to test it much. Even the hospital found that out one night the hard way after numerous warnings form both Michele and I. Go figure. Well...this New Years Day we were at a friends house for New Years lucky/prosperous meal and they have a salt rock lamp. Greyson asked what it was and I told him. Then I reached out and touched it rubbing my finger down the side, saying to him, "Touch it, it feels really strange." That's when he screamed, "Stop! Don't do that! You are hurting my ears!" I explained to two of our friends who don't see us much about his hearing and again got that "deer in the headlights" look. hahahahaaaaa The best part was that later int he evening Michele and I were discussing it and laughing and Greyson overheard me. He claimed," I do have sensitive hearing! I just heard a fly break wind in Africa!" We died....just howled! He is too funny sometimes and those of you who know him well I knew would get a kick out of this one. Have a great night...I am off to bed as he just awakened and demanded that I come back to bed. One mommy missing can never last long...gotta love it. Hugs to all.