Greyson finished out his week at school pretty good. He is adjusting with only a few snags. He had one day where as he put it, "I had 2 bad things today." First he been messing around and pushed his rolling book bag down the stairs at pickup time. He and his friend thought it was really funny, but then his friends tripped on his bag. He was cared to death he was going to have to do work during his recess so he bolted to the car when they called him. Doing work during his recess is a left over thing from his old school where they totally missed the boat on how to help & handle him effectively. I think him having a new teacher and not knowing what to expect brought on this left over fear from his old school. Poor guy...we did explain he was not to throw or push his book bag down the stairs anymore since it could accidentally hit or hurt someone. he got that. I then stayed awake thinking...what was he thinking? Then I realized his bag is heavy and he does not navigate stairs well at all yet. One foot at a time like a toddler due to some motor coordination challenges must have made handling the bag and himself impossible in his thoughts so....down it went. Well...mommy bought a lighter book bag, and he is doing great with it on his back while walking up and down this year. The rolling one is awesome and we will use it for packing clothes and or toys for traveling. Problem solved! He also had a moment in music where he ended up with a partner that he says is a mean boy. So he refused to participate. I think he was scared that would land him in trouble too but it was fine. Just a moment of not wanting to be it. He does love music though.
Friday on his last day of his first week we had a play date with his best friend. They do really well together and are in the same class. Hopefully they will be a great team all year as they complement each other very well. Friday they were great. Michele took them to the start of the R2D2 build but they missed seeing it barely. So they headed to the LEGO Store to get some surprises. They both were really excited about the night and had great fun together. Saturday we hung out at the house, headed to see R2D2 again and Greyson even helped add a brick to the build! All the kids get to help by building something at a table and then giving it to the master builder to add on when he is ready. He thought that was really cool. We left to go back to the LEGO Store and there was a line wrapped around the freaking mall almost...Insanity I tell you. Greyson says, "Let's go to the giraffe store and buy a LEGO there!" It was a no brainer for Michele and I! hahahahaaaaa He would have NEVER lasted in that crazy line of people and kids. Everyone was happy and we headed off for lunch. Yay! Once we got home I was the Lego "master builder" and I helped him build his new Indiana Jones planes. There's nothing more dis-heartening than taking hours to build these darn intricate things and watching him crash them into other stuff while playing and tear them to pieces. Don't get me wrong...I embrace his kid ways and creativity to build his own after he has destroyed them, but I still have a twinge of WTH? It's now Sunday and all is well here. I am brain storming ways to interest him in reading. I have had absolutely no luck so far. I am now going to search for books on temples and treasures (like Indiana Jones) because he claims he wants to be an adventurer when he grows up. Maybe even a LEGO book if I can find something interesting with pictures. I try working in how adventurers need to learn math and reading etc...only to be met with disdain. I figure someone, more than likely a teacher, will make him believe that what I tell him constantly is true. I of course am already magically transformed into a full blown idiot as most parents are at some moment in time. (Poof...your an idiot and you couldn't know what you are talking about.) Oh well...I do sometimes resemble that remark...but not due to lack of's mostly lack of sense! we will see the finished R2D2 with his best friend and his family... hang out...and then get ready for week #2. Oh the things we learn from each other each day...even when we think we haven't. thank you for the lessons G man and keeping my brain active and on it's toes. You challenge me each and every day but then again...all kids are built for that huh? Stay tuned...same Bat time...same Bat channel!
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